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Obstetrics & Gynecology / Women's Health

SAC Health provides the highest quality of comprehensive and individualized women’s medical care. Each one of our providers understand the unique needs of women and delivers customized care in a serene environment.

Our Services

Well-woman care including breast and cervical cancer screening

Comprehensive care for normal and high-risk pregnancies

Abnormal pap smear evaluation and treatment

Sexually transmitted infection screening and treatment

Sexually transmitted infection screening and treatment

Management of gynecologic conditions including endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic masses, infertility, and menopause

Family planning and contraception management

Mothers and Babies Postpartum Support Group

Conscious Motherhood for interpregnancy health

Group Prenatal Care

Patients waiting


​Paquete de beneficios completo: Planes de vacaciones y licencia por enfermedad Paquetes médicos/dentales/de visión.

Tratamientos y Servicios

Qué hacemos

Capacitamos a nuestros pacientes y sus familias para que vivan vidas vibrantes y saludables a través de una atención excepcional y culturalmente receptiva.

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​Tus donaciones hacen posible que nuestras comunidades sean cada día más saludables.

​¡Dona hoy!

Transformando vidas con atención médica excepcional a través de la esperanza y la curación de Cristo.

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