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SAC Health Dental

Adult & Pediatric Dental

We offer comprehensive Oral health Care Services for families in the Inland Empire and neighboring counties.

Our Services

General Adult and Pediatric Dentistry

Emergency Dental Services - including Same Day appointments

Preventive Dental Services - exams, X-rays(digital), cleanings

Oral Surgery

HIV/AIDS Dental Clinician special cases we may offer Basic and Complex Rehabilitation Dental Services

Dentures, partial dentures, crowns, bridges, posterior root canals (back teeth), and surgical extractions

Dental Patient with Dentist
family smiling

In House Services

Our Goal

Our goal is to have Healthy Smiles for Healthy families. We are committed to help prevent, maintain, and/or eliminate oral disease, inflammation, and infection that results from dental cavities and gum disease.

kid brushing teeth

In House Services

Our Focus

Our goal is to have Healthy Smiles for Healthy families. We are committed to help prevent, maintain, and/or eliminate oral disease, inflammation, and infection that results from dental cavities and gum disease.

Tratamientos y Servicios

Qué hacemos

Capacitamos a nuestros pacientes y sus familias para que vivan vidas vibrantes y saludables a través de una atención excepcional y culturalmente receptiva.

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Person depositing a heart

​Tus donaciones hacen posible que nuestras comunidades sean cada día más saludables.

​¡Dona hoy!

Transformando vidas con atención médica excepcional a través de la esperanza y la curación de Cristo.

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